Monday, January 28, 2013

produce card

Tim and I have been talking a lot about food lately, and I feel like I'm constantly reading and researching, trying to get to the bottom of the whole organic vs. non-organic debate. For the most part, the jury is still out on our decision of this now-common topic. I'm not a "jump on the bandwagon" sort of person. I know that for the most part, things at the grocery store marked "organic" are better for me, but I need to find out on my own just why that is, and, in addition, figure out if it's worth it for us to pay almost double for something that is organic. It's just not something I'm going to start doing on a whim.

Many times during all this talking and thinking and researching, I start to get very overwhelmed by the amount of information and differing opinions out there. Being the cynical person that I am, it sometimes makes me want to dive into a bag of Cheetos and down a Mountain Dew just for spite. So instead of trying to take on researching all food ever, I've started breaking it down into manageable topics and issues. Since we eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, right now my researching has been focused on fresh produce and the subject of pesticides, also known as "The Dirty Dozen" and "The Clean Fifteen." And while I am still not yet willing to shell out twice as much $$$ for organic apples, it is good to know that there are fruits and veggies out there that people actually recommend to not buy organic, such as pineapples.

I am a big believer in the grocery list. Without it, I get all impulsive and distracted and usually end up buying one weird/not needed thing just because it was a good deal. And even though I've read over and seen the "dirty dozen" and "clean fifteen" lists many times now, I would never remember them all. So I made a handy dandy little card that fits in my wallet. I'm planning on printing mine at a local print shop and having it laminated.

Here's the link to download and print a produce card. Happy eating!

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