Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pinterest projects

I'll be the first to admit to the greatness that is Pinterest. I honestly love it. I still remember the days pre-Pinterest and they were just plain confusing and clumsy. I would make separate folders on my bookmarks bar so when I would find an article to stash, a recipe to make, a blog to follow, or a logo that was really inspiring I could save it to the corresponding folder. But you know what happened oh so soon? The folders started getting massive and things would get buried in the mix.

Enter Pinterest. Now everything is neatly organized, easy to find, and even has a pretty picture to go along with the web page/recipe/design. However, there is one small issue with using Pinterest: I forget what I've pinned. I'll be perusing blogs and sites and come across GREAT ideas and AWESOME recipes and then completely forget about them. So one of my unofficial new year's resolutions is to be more intentional with actually using the ideas, suggestions, inspirations, and recipes that I've bookmarked.

And with several free weekends coming up, I think I'll try tackling:

colorful painting for the office or one of our many blank walls

hanger magazine holders - now that I actually have space

cultured veggies

start a "good things of the year" jar. love this idea!

actually start using the coconut oil that I bought

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