Wednesday, January 9, 2013

friends of rodentia

You know how every year at Christmas there's that one gift that you really excited to give? Well, this year, Bob was the lucky recipient of that gift and anticipation. Quick backstory: Bob is the squirrel whisperer. Seriously. On any given morning, there are between 10 and 20 enormously fat squirrels feeding in his yard. One evening, Tim and I were picking up a few things at Menard's and happened to find this little gem of product sitting on the shelf - the "Cobs A Twirl."

After nearly rolling on the floor with glee and awe that such a product even exists, we quickly threw it in our cart and counted down the days until Bob would open it.

And giving it was every bit as good as I imagined it would be. Tim and I could hardly contain ourselves. Maybe the best part - Tim modified the product name to be "Bobs A Twirl." Perfect.

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