Wednesday, January 30, 2013

a servant's heart

For the past few weeks, Tim and I have been going through a servant's class/Bible study at church. And it has been so good for my soul, and I'm so incredibly thankful to be a part of this church we now call home. We've been discussing what it means to be a servant of the Lord and what exactly that may look like for each of us - whether it's nursery or children's ministry or worship or cleaning the bathrooms.

Through the Bible study, I've been realizing just how serious it is to serve and lead others. It should not be taken lightly. I don't say this to make it seem dramatic or intimidating, but because of the fact that these are people's babies, children, parents, and lives we're dealing with...and they all belong to the Lord. As cleaners, teachers, babysitters, and counselors we have a responsibility to be the hands of feet of Jesus.

The other night, we went over seven things that should always be on a servant's heart. It was convicting, to say the least. And I know I'll need to review this list daily if I am to serve God's people well.

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