Wednesday, June 13, 2012

packing up

It's here - the week we move! Big life changes are always a sort of surreal experience for me - graduating from college, getting married - in that I wake up each morning and think, "This is the last morning I will..." And this week is no different, and being the nostalgic/sentimental girl that I am, I keep thinking how much I will actually miss things about this little apartment of ours. I'll miss the coziness, the view out our patio door, the fact that if something breaks (aka the washing machine) it's someone else's expense. It's been a good little place for us during the past year.

This is also a big week for other reasons:

  • Grandma M. had her 100 day check-up yesterday to determine if the medicine/chemo worked enough to put her into remission. I talked to her last night and she sounded tired, but good. Now the hardest part - waiting for the results.
  • Mandy takes her board exams this week! I know she's a total wreck stressed to the max, but throughout all of nursing school, she rocked any and every test she had to take. So proud of you, Nurse Mandy!
Thank you, Lord, for these blessings and celebrations in life. I owe you everything.

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