Wednesday, June 20, 2012

moving day

Can I just tell you how thankful and blessed I am? So much has happened in the past few days that has literally stopped me in my tracks. God is so good. On Thursday, Grandma M. called to report that the cancer found in body last fall has dwindled to less than 1% and the doctors are calling her cancer free. On Friday Mandy took her nursing board exams and passed, officially giving her the title of R.N. And as of Friday, we have officially joined the homeowners club! I've had to pinch myself several times over the last few days. I am so thankful.

As for the house buying/moving - everything went so smoothly that at one point I was waiting for the we-don't-have-the-right-documents moment or the there's-mold-growing-all-over-the-house discover. The only downer was breaking a glass pitcher that I had bought at Walmart for $5. And I'm pretty sure we moved in record time - everything was in the house and our apartment was cleaned for inspection by Saturday afternoon. Amazing. We couldn't have done it without our Miller Moving Team! 

Right after our final walk through.

Moving in the first U-haul load.

Our official moving day mascots!

The first morning in our new home.

Enjoying pizza in the sunroom after a long day of moving/cleaning.

We are getting settled in, although it still sort of feels like I'm house-sitting or on vacation. It doesn't feel like "our home" just yet. Tim is loving every single minute of it. He's spent that last 2 humid nights cleaning and organizing the garage. His goal is to get it so clean that you can walk in the garage with white socks. I love that man. Painting is next on my list, and I've recruited Mom to help me this weekend. Stay tuned for some before-and-after pics!

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