Tuesday, June 5, 2012

my home town

I don't know if it's the warm weather or just plain ol' homesickness, but I'm really missing the Minnesota prairie lately, and am having a total Cheers theme song moment of wanting to be where everybody knows my name. And I also know it's partly the phenomenon that seems to be really good at happening to me where the thing that I think I don't want, I actually love and miss after I don't have it. Yeah, fairly big character flaw of mine. I'm working on it - on being happy with my current situation, surroundings, etc. But even still, I miss...

the sunsets
Legion baseball games
running into familiar faces at the grocery store
knowing all the back roads to every neighboring small town
country living
bagel shop coffee dates with Mom
shopping the downtown stores
summer night band concerts
gravel roads

I do love you, Southwest MN!

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