Saturday, February 1, 2014

these days

My boy is 2 1/2 months old and getting sweeter by the day. He is such a sweet and content baby. Although each day sort if still feels like I'm just keeping my head above water, trying to find the new normal, I don't want to forget these days. It's hard sometimes to not wish away the days, wishing for warmer weather or daily showers or date nights. But I know without a doubt I will look back on these first weeks and months of getting to know our baby with longing and fondness. Being thrust into motherhood has been more overwhelming than I thought it would be and I'm learning that I cannot do it on my own accord. When the days seem endless, when the crying won't end, when naps are eluding, when supper consists of cold cereal 3 nights in a row, when the same clothes are worn for 2 days straight, when worry and doubt and inadequacy fill my thoughts, when it feels like there's no one to talk to...I need to remember my Saviour and His grace and be thankful. Because along with all this, there are moments of intense joy and happiness and pride unlike I've ever felt before - when I pick Jack up in the morning and he has a big cheesy grin, when he falls asleep in my arms, when he stares contentedly at me when I give him a bath, when he coos, when he puts his little hand on my chest while nursing, when he pulls up his legs to his tummy when I pick him up from his nap. I feel like my heart could literally burst with love for this tiny boy of mine. It is incredible and I am so blessed to be his mother, even if I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.

For when I am weak, He is strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10

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