Wednesday, August 7, 2013

my 2nd trimester faves

Am I really almost done with my second trimester?! As it is usually goes with pregnancy, my second trimester has been a 180 of my first trimester. No more feeling sicky, no more aversions to 90% of the foods out there, and no more 3 hour naps after work. Plus, I'm sporting a pretty good sized bump these days which has got to be one of my favorite things ever.

And, as I found in the first trimester, there have been several things and products that I have really loved through this phase of changes.

1. Clif bars/Larabars - I have had the appetite about the size of a horse, so eating good snacks throughout the day has been a must. These two have been my morning snacks of choice for several weeks, and there's usually one in my purse for when hunger strikes during things like church and shopping at IKEA. The flavor they can pack into a Larabar with so few ingredients really blows my mind. They're so delicious!

2. Belly band - I have seriously been able to wear so many of my "normal" pants and shorts up until recently thanks to this wonderful invention. Early in my second trimester, I picked up this one from Target and have really loved it.

3. Smoothies - These have become a staple of my morning breakfast routine and with all the fresh summer fruit available, they have been extra delicious.

4. Walking - Also a staple of my morning routine. Every morning after breakfast, Callie and I (and sometimes Tim) go for a nice 1 mile walk around the neighborhood. I have become such a morning person over the past year, and I have yet to hit snooze in order to trade sleep for my walk.

5. Blue Sky Soda - Because sometimes you just gotta have pop with pizza! I discovered this stuff in the natural/organic section of our grocery store and it has become my "special occasion" treat. While it does have sugar, it isn't full of artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, etc., and there's a ton of different flavors. My favorites are cola and ginger ale.

6. Energy - Pretty quickly after I hit the second trimester mark, my energy levels shot back up to normal, which means that my 3 hour naps have turned into 30 minute naps, and I don't feel completely wiped out by the time 2:00pm rolls around.

7. Hazelnut steamer - Even though it's summer and hot drinks aren't really in season, there have been a few chilly and/or rainy days that have called for a hot beverage. Since I'm doing my best to avoid caffeine, the steamer has become my go-to drink of choice with hazelnut and 2% milk, please.

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