Monday, August 26, 2013

details of August

+ Evie reading books with Uncle Tim
+ early morning fishing excursion/sunrise cruise on Booth Lake in Wisconsin
+ wakesurfing!
+ sistahs fo ev-ah
+ at home for my birthday and a homemade birthday peach pie
+ chowing down on my birthday meal - sweet corn, grilled burgers, baked beans, and homemade pickles
+ a major grating session with all the zucchini I got from mom. so pumped to pull it out in the dead of winter and make something delicious.

other things from august:
+ I hit the third trimester of my pregnancy. yeah, baby!
+ bought this album
+ discovered this awesome product, immediately added it to the birthday list, and unwrapped it just a few days ago. thanks Tim!
+ started reading this book and am loving it.
+ cleared out the room that will become the nursery in preparation for a fresh coat of light gray paint
+ currently in the midst of one of the hottest streaks in Minnesota's history. the thermometer on my computer at work today read 103. woah.
+ Tim started a new semester and year of grad school.
+ bought tickets to see these guys at the end of September.
+ made this and didn't regret it. seriously, so good.

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