Monday, June 3, 2013

weekend recap // building, blts, and bibs

Have you ever had that glorious phenomenon where you always think it's way later in the day than it actually is? That's how this whole past weekend was; it was so awesome. Every time I would glance at the clock, I was expecting it to be 5:00 or 6:00pm, but it was usually something like 1:45 or 2:37. So great. 

+ BLTs - a total summer staple for us, alongside a bunch of pickled/canned goods
+ bib overalls I found on a garage sale. I couldn't help myself!
+ my little herb and flower garden flourishing away thanks to all the rain we've gotten lately
+ work on the deck continues. I am thoroughly impressed at how Tim is able to do this project and do it well. If everything continues to go as planned, we should have a full deck by next weekend. Yes!

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