Monday, May 20, 2013

home again

The Tetons - my favorite destination of the whole week
We're home! And I'm very happy to report that everything pretty much went off without a hitch - the weather was phenomenal, the car didn't have any issues, and gas prices didn't make us want to scream and cry. As it is after any long vacation, there are mounds of laundry, dishes, and to-do lists to be tackled, but I just have to remember that they are all the result of one awesome week spent unplugged and unhurried in the rugged American west.

I am currently sorting through the photos from the week and am actually proud of myself. I had a goal of not "over-taking" photos during the week. It's so easy (for me, anyway) to think, "It's a digital camera so I'll just take 10 photos of every scene/shot just to be sure." And then I get home and find that I've got hundreds of photos to sift through. Not cool. But this time, I've found myself with just a little over 100 photos documenting our 9 days of adventure. Cool.

Highlights and more photos (and maybe video?!) coming soon. I promise.

p.s. - "What's in Tim's hand?" you may be asking. Yep, it's a knife. I didn't realize that until I saw the photo on my computer tonight. He said he had to be prepared. Classic.

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