Sunday, December 9, 2012

the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful! What we've had today is good old fashioned Minnesota snow that's about to turn into a sub-zero blizzard once the winds pick up. And if you ask me, blizzards and snow storms are the perfect ingredients for cozy Sunday afternoon. We've been watching the snow fly all day, and have accumulated almost a foot of snow since the middle of the night. As I'm writing this, Tim is in his element - outside, shoveling our driveway for the 3rd time today.

Days like today always make me feel good and hearty, like I'm experiencing (and enjoying!) something few people could handle or appreciate. And I love knowing that my family and friends are tucked away in various warm houses, piled under quilts, and enjoying things like baking and new babies. It's so comforting.

Today, the Miller house has looked like this:

the snow continues to pile up high

wrapping up gifts

naps by the fire

shoveling snow sans snow blower

a hot-off-the-stove lunch

We will attempt to venture outside one more time for Bible study tonight, and then be tucked in later thankful for the blessings that surround us and keep us warm on a day like today.

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