Monday, September 24, 2012

river days

I was introduced to canoe trips a few years ago and haven't looked back since. So when Zach asked if we wanted to take a fall canoe trip, we were all for it. We set out for the Rum River early Saturday morning, with two full travel mugs of coffee, several layers of long flannel+long underwear, and tubs full of firewood, fishing gear, camp food, and tents. What ensued was nothing less than fall/fishing/camping/canoeing in all its glory.

Mark and Zach rounding the bend

Enjoying the sunshine and fishing

One of many beaches along the way

We ate goooood! Roasted potatoes, veggies...

...and marinated steak. With s'mores for dessert. Hello.

the morning frost

Tim cooking a breakfast of bacon, sausage, corned beef hash, and eggs.

My bass!

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