Friday, April 6, 2012

Miss Evelyn

Guess what I got to do yesterday? I took half a day off at work, drove down to the Cities, and took some glamour shots of little Evie. How blessed am I? Seriously. And she did so good given the fact that we kept moving her around, putting clothes on, taking clothes off, etc. This was the first time I'd ever done newborn pictures, and I honestly don't know how you would do it in a studio or on a schedule. It was so nice to not have any time constraints and to basically just let Evelyn call the shots - when she was sick of it, we'd snuggle her; when she was hungry, she'd eat; when she was tired, we let her nap for an hour. It worked so well. And I know I may be a little biased and I know I've said this before (and will probably say 100 more times), but she is seriously one of the most beautiful little babies I've ever seen. Love you all, Miller fam!

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