Wednesday, April 25, 2012


  • I have been very aware of all the blessings I have in life. Sure, there are always small things in my life that I wish were different, but as a whole, my life is good. Sometimes I start to wonder if this is a "calm before the storm", like God is getting me ready for something which sort of freaks me out. But I know and trust all my good and bad are in His control.
  • We have been eating some crazy good food! I don't know how it happened, but nearly every single meal last week was a knock out, including this. Talk about yum!
  • The trees have been exploding with green buds and fragrant blossoms, and it makes my heart very happy.
  • We have spent our weeknights going for long walks around the neighborhood, grilling, and playing lawn games.
  • I have been busy designing some wedding loveliness for a good friend of mine getting married in October. 
  • All I think about every morning, noon, and night is the house! Although, I'm trying to be very conscious about not wishing away the days because I know I will miss this apartment and its coziness.
  • We (and by that I mean me) have decided not to buy/drink pop anymore, and have replaced it with our new favorite.

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