Wednesday, April 18, 2012

According to Pinterest...

We move into our new house (still feels so crazy to say that!) in exactly 2 months, which has got me thinking, dreaming, and breathing anything to do with paint colors, area rugs, and wall art. I am one of those girls who, since my teen years, has always been antsy to have a house, a space of my own to do absolutely whatever I wanted. I remember going to antique stores with my mom and finding so many cool knick-knacks or impractical pieces of furniture that I could never justify buying because the only space I could claim as my own was my bedroom. And let's face it, you can only fit so many paintings, old tins, vintage chairs, and quilts into a 12x14 room. 

But now I have a house. We have a house, and it's ours to fill. And I honestly couldn't be more excited. I sort of have the feeling I did when we started planning our wedding. After going to many weddings and taking note of things that were cool and not so cool, it was our time to come up with exactly what we wanted to make our day perfect. Same with a house. I have dozens of pins on Pinterest devoted to beautiful house spaces, colors, and rooms, and I'm figuring out exactly how I want our house to look.

But I was realizing the other day while thumbing through a catalog of home decor that every single room in the catalog looked perfect: perfect white trim, perfect wood floors, perfect crisp bed spread, perfect vase of flowers by the bed. The same goes for Pinterest. I look on there and everything is glossy, freshly-remodeled rooms that look like no one lives in them. And I feel like my generation is starting to take this as the norm, that even as a newlywed twenty-something you should be able to have the perfect looking house. 

I'll be the first to admit that I've fallen into this trap many times, and probably will in the future. I was just talking to Tim about this a couple of weeks ago and said that I've lately found myself expecting to have the glossy, freshly-remodeled rooms in the very near future...because that's what everyone else has (according to Pinterest). But I know now and am realizing that that is not practical, not feasible, and not necessary. I need to count myself incredibly blessed just to say that I'm a homeowner at my age and that it isn't the size of a postage stamp and that it's not in the ghetto! I am so thankful.

So for now, we will take it one step and one room at a time. Who cares if we don't have granite countertops or white trim in the next year or even 5 years? Who cares if we don't get to painting over the pink paint in the basement right away? Who cares if we don't get the landscaping taken care of this summer? I am going to enjoy every decision and every process and not compare myself to the so-called real world. Amen.

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