Sunday, January 29, 2012

friends & focus

It's been a sort of reflective kind of Sunday. I've spent a good part of the day thinking about two things I need:
  • friends
  • focus
1. I need friends. (How pathetic do I sound right now?) But seriously, I do. I guess I never seriously thought about everything that comes with moving to a new city. In the past, every time I've moved I've either been young enough that making friends happens in about 5 minutes, or moving away to college where I've been thrust into a place with thousands of like-minded people who are experiencing all the same things. But now it's all different. Neither of us moved here with connections, we aren't in college, and we don't have kids to create a commonality. So I know this probably sounds like one big pity party, but I guess all I'm saying is that I'm really realizing how important good friends are to me. And I know that I do have good friends - I just talked to Anna today (welcome back, woman!) and we're spending quality time with Mike and Katie this weekend - but it's hard for me to only have long-distance friendships. I miss weekly coffee dates with Sarah, daily lunches with Jenna, and weekend trips with Mel. Okay, pity party is over.

2. I need a focus, specifically for this blog. I've always been a very goal-oriented type of person. Give a me a clear goal or objective and I will work hard at making it happen. I think that's why I stuck with my 365 photo project - there was a very specific goal and I worked hard to reach it. And I thought that after a year of such a specific project that blogging would be perfect - a non-commital outlet where I'm not restricted about what and when I post. I was wrong. I'm finding that blogging is waaaaay to broad for me. Do I talk about my day? My week? Food? Photography? Tim? Boring things? Cute things? Nothing? Which is why I've decided that I need a focus, like my 365 project but different. (Although I almost just convinced myself about 5 minutes ago to start up another 365 project in February). Options of focus:
  • My favorite thing about this past week was...
  • Topic-specific days of the week, i.e. I only talk about food on Fridays, or craft projects on Wednesdays, or books on Sundays
  • Center it around photography, just not as rigid as posting everyday
  • Focus only on graphic design and building a portfolio of projects
  • ....???
Okay, that's enough to think about for now. Will sleep on this and get back to you.

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