Saturday, May 10, 2014

Today I am...

Many thoughts are running through my head this morning, realizing that a lot has happened on this weekend in the past and I have much to be thankful for.


+ the sun that has finally come out from behind the endless rain clouds
+ friends and new babies
+ the newest edition to the Miller clan, Henry Michael
+ my mama
+ my almost 6-month-old boy who is getting so big
+ art projects and finally getting some things hung on the wall in Jack's room


+ 5 years ago - graduating from college
+ 2 years ago - preparing to move into our first house
+ 2 years ago - celebrating Mandy graduating from nursing school
+ 1 year ago - hearing Jack's heart beat for the first time
+ 1 year ago - leaving for our big Yellowstone/Grand Tetons trip and spending my *first* Mother's Day watching buffalo graze in Lamar Valley

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