Thursday, March 13, 2014

all in a year


A year ago today, we found out we were having a baby and this picture was taken. A year ago! Crazy what can happen in a year. Fast forward to today…

…and I've got the cutest almost-4-months-old baby boy. And I'm so happy. I feel like it has taken awhile to get used to, and I know I've still got so many things to learn, but I'm starting to settle into the role of being a mother. As I'm sure any new mother can agree with, the days can seem endless and a constant cycle of feeding, changing, playing, holding, walking, and rocking. These are the days when any extra goals and tasks are done in short bursts between naps, and sometimes not even then when things like eating lunch and getting a quick nap take precedent over anything else. That used to bother me - to not have anything to "show" for my days spent at home. Sometimes not even loading or unloading the dishwasher. But my perspective has shifted and now instead of rushing through the nap routine so I can lay Jack down and cross off things on my to-do list, sometimes we just cuddle and I let him sleep in my arms because I know these days are going to fly by. I feel like I'm going to blink, and he'll be going to kindergarten. Just the thought of that makes me a little teary eyed.

I never knew how much I could love this little boy. I know first-time parents say this all the time, but I'm finding out just how true it is. Any time I hear a song or read something about babies growing up and cherishing the moments, I'm usually reduced to a puddle on the floor. My heart goes crazy and it's all I can do to restrain myself from sneaking into Jack's nursery and waking him up from his nap because I just love him. so. much. Yes, I am a sappy and proud mama and while I wish sometimes that I could slow down time, I know exciting things are ahead in the coming year - first foods, first words, crawling, walking, talking, and his first birthday cake. Crazy what can happen in a year.

1 comment:

  1. Erica, this little guy is amazingly blessed
    with you. I can't even say enjoy, because you already are. I am so proud of you and who you are. I do think you should write, you are great at it. Thank-you for the peek into your life. It made my heart melt.
