Wednesday, September 18, 2013

my (non) green thumb

Back at the beginning of summer, I went to the greenhouse with big dreams and the confidence that since my mom and Grandma both have killer gardens, I probably inherited their plant-nurturing genes and could have a killer garden of my own. Ha! There is a man-made planter box that runs the length of the back of the sunroom and I thought that'd be the perfect place for a little garden. So I bought some herb plants, three kinds of heirloom tomato plants, three kinds of peppers, and some begonias to line the edges. I had visions of BLTs with brightly colored tomatoes and stuffed peppers with peppers and cilantro that I grew with my own two hands. I watered and weeded it faithfully all summer, but by August, my cilantro had completely died, the flowers were hardly any bigger than when I bought them, and there wasn't a hint of produce on any of the plants. And then finally! A tiny pepper appeared and a green tomato seemed to spring up out of nowhere. But I'm afraid it's all a little too late since it's already the middle of September and our temperatures are already starting to dip into the 30s at night. So I guess gardening genes aren't something that you can really inherit.

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