Thursday, September 26, 2013

what we're watching

With the shorter evenings and the fact that by the time 6:00pm rolls around, all I feel like doing is sitting on the couch surrounded by about 6 pillows, our Netflix watching has been on the uptick lately. What I love most about Netflix is the amount of documentaries available. I think I'd take a documentary over a movie any day, unless that movie is Miracle or You've Got Mail, of course. If you have Netflix, here are some of our favorites we've been watching recently.

Long Way Round/Long Way Down: These documentaries have been by far our most favorite find lately! So interesting, adventurous, and hilarious. Since there's only about 10 episodes per series, we would literally have to walk away from the TV so we wouldn't blow through 4 episodes per night...although we did that, too.

Word Wars: a glimpse inside the not-so-glamorous lives of Scrabble experts.

Helvetica: this got a little long and technical at times, but it was still interesting to see just how much people love (an hate) this oh-so-popular font.

A Matter of Taste: we're always up for a good foodie documentary. This follows a young and brilliant chef trying to make it in New York City. It made me want to eat small portions of fancy food on white plates.

Derek: Tim and I both have very specific tastes about the kinds of shows we like - Parks and Rec, The Office, 30 Rock. And when we started this mini-series, we had no idea what to expect. I would say Tim liked it and I loved it. It's hilarious and heartwarming at the same time. Definitely worth a watch.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

baby update // 32 weeks

Baby Miller and I are growing right along! And at 32 weeks prego, I am definitely starting to feel large and in charge, but otherwise am still feeling good. Sleeping recently became my nemesis, but thanks to the cushy-ness of the couch in the sunroom, I am back to getting full nights of sleep. Plus, now I get to see things like the full moon and shooting stars if I do wake up in the middle of the night.

Tim and I started our birthing class with our doula. She is really great and informative and I'm excited to build up my arsenal of "tools" to make our birthing experience a good one. Between appointments, birthing class, Tim's grad classes, and fall traveling, I feel like the next 8 weeks are going to fly by so fast, so I want to be conscience to savor these last few weeks of pregnancy - savor the kicks and hiccups; savor the fact that I know my baby is close and safe; savor all the advice and kind words that come with this season of pregnancy. I had no idea what to expect going into this pregnancy, but I can honestly say it's been better than I imagined and I have truly loved growing this baby of ours.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

my (non) green thumb

Back at the beginning of summer, I went to the greenhouse with big dreams and the confidence that since my mom and Grandma both have killer gardens, I probably inherited their plant-nurturing genes and could have a killer garden of my own. Ha! There is a man-made planter box that runs the length of the back of the sunroom and I thought that'd be the perfect place for a little garden. So I bought some herb plants, three kinds of heirloom tomato plants, three kinds of peppers, and some begonias to line the edges. I had visions of BLTs with brightly colored tomatoes and stuffed peppers with peppers and cilantro that I grew with my own two hands. I watered and weeded it faithfully all summer, but by August, my cilantro had completely died, the flowers were hardly any bigger than when I bought them, and there wasn't a hint of produce on any of the plants. And then finally! A tiny pepper appeared and a green tomato seemed to spring up out of nowhere. But I'm afraid it's all a little too late since it's already the middle of September and our temperatures are already starting to dip into the 30s at night. So I guess gardening genes aren't something that you can really inherit.

Friday, September 6, 2013

did you know that h&m has the cutest baby stuff?!


It was enough for me when H&M finally got with the times recently and started selling their stuff online. And then to find out they have the greatest baby essentials?! Bonus. And I'm totally loving all the neutrals and non-cheesy onesies they have. So adorable.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3 years ago

Today is our three year anniversary. Crazy how much happens in three years! We've started jobs, quit jobs, moved to a new city, bought a house, taken countless road trips, and, as of last night, set up a crib for our first baby. We've learned lessons the hard way, how to love each other better, what it means to be selfless, and that marriage takes a lot of work but is worth it. It's been a great adventure so far and I can't wait to see what the next 50 years has in store.

I will love you my whole life; you, and no other.

Monday, September 2, 2013

happy labor day

Labor Day Weekend, the unofficial last hoorah of summer. In the past, there's been camping trips, fishing trips, and cabin trips. But this year is pretty low-key. While Tim is enjoying the wilderness of the BWCA, mom and dad came up and we:

+ shopped the maternity store at the Albertville Outlet mall
+ painted the nursery (love it!)
+ went to church
+ started filling and organizing the nursery closet
+ watched The Andy Griffith Show on Netflix
+ shut the air off and opened the house up thanks to cooler temps and no humidity
+ made 3 pints of fresh salsa

Today will be spent in leggings and a cardigan, letting the fresh air blow through the house, while working on some design projects and anxiously awaiting Tim's return.