Thursday, February 28, 2013

the lessons of flight

pumping myself up before my first lesson

Sometimes when I get into something, I really get into it. Not sure if that's a blessing or a curse. Right now that thing is snowboarding. There's a mountain hill about 25 minutes away that offers lessons and is a great place to learn basics. Last night was my first lessons. I went into it with no expectations other than thinking that I'd be falling a lot and probably not make it completely down any runs. My only hope (cue the Mandy Moore song from "A Walk to Remember") was that by the end of the night I would at least feel like I had made progress...and that I wouldn't break my face. Good news: it went way better than I thought it would, only had 2 bad wipe outs, I was off the training hill by the end of the night, and I'm not on crutches. Seriously, so stoked. I know I have a long way to go, but now I know - I can do this. Someone get me a Red Bull up in here!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


happy 17th birthday, little brother!

jamming to the 90s Country Mix on Pandora
planning a spring trip to Yellowstone/Tetons
blissed out because of another free month of Netflix
obsessed with this
listening to the sounds of Tim ripping down the ceiling in the basement bedroom
dreaming about paint colors
craving adventure
sore from wiping out last night during a little pick-up hockey with Tim
(still) enjoying flowers I got on Valentine's Day
praying for Bob, Mandy, and my grandparents
thankful for my family
anxious for warm evenings in the sunroom
excited to fulfill a life goal this weekend

Thursday, February 14, 2013

valentine's snow

I've always felt a little "meh" about Valentine's Day. I was never one of those girls who protested the day or anything, but during my college years I did indulge in a brief I-don't-have-a-boyfriend pitty party and a small pint of Ben and Jerry's on this day. And even after getting myself a boyfriend and eventually a husband, not a ton changed, and that's okay with me. Take tonight for instance: Tim's at class all night so I'll be spending a romantic evening baking, cleaning, and catching up on Park's and Recreation thanks to a free month of Netflix. So sexy, I know.

Maybe one of the best parts of my day, besides a lunch date with Tim at Chipotle, was waking up to the winter wonderland that was creating by the overnight snow. So gorgeous.

Monday, February 4, 2013

just delightful

all photos courtesy of delight for the eyes
I just ran across this Tumblr blog, delight for the eyes, and wow, UH-MAZING. It's so beautiful. If my ideal design aesthetic/fave colors/coveted photography style could all be wrapped up into a blog, that is exactly what it would look like. Gorgeous.