Monday, July 16, 2012

lately... has been too hot. Too hot to cook. Too hot to go for a walk. Too hot to even go to the lake. Gotta love July. Although, I've sort of been relishing the effects this weather has been producing - it's driven us inside to the air conditioning and given us a break from the constant stream of projects.

...we spent this past weekend in the farmland of southwest Minnesota, soaking up the comforts of home, eating large amounts of fresh garden produce, and taking several naps a day. It was glorious.

...i am on a trying new recipes kick. Tonight I whipped up some no-bake energy bites for midday snacking, and I have this smoothie to look forward to in the morning. little office in the corner of one of the guest rooms is getting whipped into shape slowly but surely, thanks to some white frames and these fab prints.

...although it doesn't yet feel completely like home, there have been affirmations lately that this is where we are supposed to be. One of those things being our church. It is such a blessing to have found a church we love, where we get fed, and where we can serve and grow.

...even though it's too hot to bake, I think I'm going to make this for a party we're going to this weekend with the zucchini I got from Mom this past weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Zucchini brownies are a staple at my house... unfortunately haha :)

    It is WAAAAAY too hot in MN.
