Monday, July 9, 2012

farmers market and lumberjacks

Hola! After seriously one of the hottest weeks EVER, I am actually sitting here with the air off and the windows open. Glorious. I feel like I can breathe again. I always say that I love Minnesota for its summers, but when its summers are 98 degrees with a dew point to match...yeah, there's not so much love then.

The heat broke on Friday/Saturday, making it another beautiful weekend full of projects. I (finally) made it to the St. Cloud farmers market and picked up a loaf of bread, 3 cucumbers, 2 hot hungarian peppers, and 1 stem of basil. It was truly a beautiful thing.

I planted some hostas I got from a neighbor (have I told you how much I love having neighbors?!), and started some smaller Pinterest-inspired craft projects. But probably the biggest accomplishment of the weekend is credited to Tim and Bob - they took down 3 trees in a matter of hours on Sunday. They're a couple of regular ol' lumberjacks. Mary and I were self-assigned spectators and water bottle-fillers. I think we definitely had the easier job...

And a good weekend isn't complete without good food - brats, homemade baked beans, caprese salad, chocolate chip cookies, and pad thai. Seriously delish.

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