Thursday, May 3, 2012


Happy May! Feels weird saying that already but I am not complaining. Between all the rain we've had and the few days of sunshine, it seems that every tree is now in full bloom, sporting new leaves or flowers. I never used to like spring, probably because spring in the Midwest usually meant slushy and sloppy piles of leftover snow that had been coated with a thick layer of dirt and always left a muddy mess of debris and grocery bags behind. Not a pretty sight. But this year spring came a little early, due to the mild mostly-snowless winter. And I like it.

Along with spring comes wedding season. Jenna, one of my good friends from college, is getting married this fall (woot! woot!) and I've been working with her on designing wedding save-the-dates and invitations. Her wedding is going to be nothing short of gorgeous. Think classy with a vintage twist. Mmm...lovely. And today when I opened my little mailbox, there was the save-the-date postcard waiting for me! I really love how they turned out.

In other news...

  • Tim and I are packing up tonight to head to South Dakota for the weekend to watch my little sis graduate from nursing school. So proud! Watch out world, you're about to inherit one fantastic nurse.
  • I went for a run today after work. Yikes. First run since...who knows when. Let's just say, even Beyonce wasn't enough of a distraction to make it seem fun.
  • Grandma M. has been wanting me to paint something for her for over a year now. And for the past year, the two blank canvases have been staring at me. Until today. I just finished two bright and cheery paintings that include the verse Psalm 3:3.
  • I've decided I'm not going to read "The Hunger Games."
  • Tomorrow's Friday. Booyah.

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