Honestly, I'm glad March is behind us. I've just never been a fan of that "in-between" month. And even though I know April can be just as flippant with it's spring-like weather, just being able to say that it's April makes me feel better. Looking at the forecast for this week is a prime example: rain and thunderstorms yesterday, snow last night, sun tomorrow, snow on Friday, then sunny and 50s for the weekend. Talk about bi-polar.
In March…
- had a house full of family
- dedicated our baby to the Lord, which apparently really tired him out
- started cloth diapering, and so far I love it
- took Jack outside for the first time without having to bundle him up
- finally captured Jack's smile when he sees himself in a mirror
- had to dig the snow boots back out for a few days
- after weeks of a happy baby who slept through the night and take regularly scheduled naps, Jack seemed to regress to his 3-week-old self. Thought it was teeth = nope. Growth spurt = maybe. Payback for having too much pride that my baby was sleeping so well = probably.
- went home for a weekend so I could catch my breath/take some naps
- gave Jack a bath in the kitchen sink
- celebrated cousin Evie's 2nd birthday which meant bug tattoos for everyone, even the babe
Not pictured…
- Tim working/writing/studying like crazy for his grad school classes
- three stroller rides around the neighborhood for Jack on the nice days
- design projects for church and various weddings
- cleaning out my room at home and finding old high school art projects, diaries, key chains, and a jewelry box full of 2-dollar bills
- taking a nap in the sunroom for the first time this year
- watching classic Sesame Street episodes on Netflix with Jack
- chopped 10 inches off my hair
- our new evening routine after Jack is asleep: being in bed by 8:30 with mugs of hot tea, books, and Scrabble on the iPad