Monday, October 7, 2013

baby book

As of today, I am 34 weeks into this pregnancy and starting to get the "we really need to start getting things done/make a hospital packing list/buy essentials like a carseat" itch. I think part of it is that the last few women I've known who've had babies have all gone early. So while I think that I still have a whole 6+ weeks left, it could very well be 4 weeks. Holy cow.

One of the things on my to-purchase list has been a baby book, and finding a non-cheesy, gender neutral baby book that didn't cost $80 was much harder than I thought it'd be. I first tried the usual suspects - Target, Hallmark, etc. - but they only carried gender specific books. Then I thought I'd try Etsy because you can find awesome, unique things on there. And while that proved true, many of the books were a little spendy for me. So I resorted to Pinterest and searched for baby books and within 15 minutes found 3 great options. Gotta love Pinterest. After reviewing the options, I made my decision and placed my order for a baby book from My Sweet Muffin, a totally adorable site. The book came on Friday and I LOVE it! It's beautiful, it's gray and yellow(!), and the prompts are perfect. AND it cost less than $35. Score. Look how cute! Totally love it.


Other great and unique options for baby books I found:

The Poketo Baby Book and Memory Box

Baby Book by Yasmeen Ismail

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