Monday, October 22, 2012


Warning: this post may contain shameless self-promotion.

Ever since I was little, I've loved to create, color, and design. Growing up, I would spend a week at Grandma's house, and each year, we dedicated a day to painting with her oil paints. I was the little girl who on Halloween was handed a pumpkin and asked if I could carve shapes instead of a scary face. I used to (and still do) rip out pages from magazines that were subjects of interesting compositions or colors. Art is something I've always loved and appreciated.

I was recently going through a box of my old grade school year books. In 6th grade, my answer to what I wanted to be when I grow up was "designer", which may seem like an obvious answer for a girl, but it's something I've always known I would do in some form. But it wasn't until college and my first 100-level graphic design class with Professor Edman that I realized that design was, and is, my passion.

Since then, my dream has been slowly building. I immerse myself in blogs and magazines about paper and design and weddings and parties, and it makes me so giddy thinking of contributing to the beauty. But how? How do I take that step? I still don't totally know the answer, and I'm terrified even as I write this, but it's time to finally walk the walk, so to speak. Because it's what I love to do. I've thought about this and prayed about this and talked about this for years and it's time to make the leap into whatever lies ahead, no matter how many excuses I can come up with.

So with that, Erica Miller Design is open for business! No, I don't have an Etsy shop (yet!), but I'd love to work with you on whatever your project may be, whether it's wedding invitations, birth announcements, or custom stationary. Below is my latest project, a wedding suite design for one of my best friends from college (congrats Jenna and Bubba!). It is one of the most favorite things I've done yet and would love to work on more weddings!

You can find more samples of my work, projects, and photography under the PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN link. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! i love this for you! you are going to (and already to) rock it :)
