Wednesday, July 17, 2013

lately // staining a deck + washing a dog

Sweet summertime is here in the form of extra warm days, house projects, peaches, and long evenings outside...until we get chased in by mosquitos. Our ceiling fans are constantly spinning and the cool leather furniture has become a welcomed sight after activities like mowing and standing over a pot of boiling corn on the cob.

Thanks to the warm and (mostly) dry conditions, Tim was able to stain and seal the deck, making that project nearly complete. The only things left are to router the edges and maybe add a step along the whole front perimeter of the deck. Oh, and patio furniture of course. I'm just waiting for a sweet Craig's List deal or an end-of-summer sale at Home Depot.

Summertime also means that Callie's bath is an outdoor activity. She loves the water when it's in the form of a lake, river, or pond, but when it involves a bath tub or a garden hose, she gets a little sour.

step 1: get Callie wet

step 2: have some fun at Callie's expense

step 3: shake what your mama gave ya

step 4: soap/massage time = Callie's favorite part

step 5: dry off as you watch Tim remove stain from the house siding
Summertime, I hope you stick around for awhile this year. That'd be great. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

baby update // 21 weeks

Things of note in this photo:

  • Squirrels - it seems we are following in Bob Miller's footsteps and have accumulated quite the squirrel population. One evening, we counted 7 in our backyard at one time. 
  • Blanket - maybe one of the most beautiful gifts Grandma D. has given me. It's so unique and different and I love it.
  • Sunroom - while it is technically "sunroom season", the extreme humidity lately has pretty much made the room unbearable for the past week. However, we did do something the other night that we've talked about since moving in - moved our old box TV to the corner of the sunroom and watched an episode of Friends. Now if we could only watch a Twins game on there, I'd be in heaven.
  • Slippers - yep, it's July and I'm wearing slippers. Since Tim is sure he might die of exposure to any temperature over 80 degrees, the air conditioning has been consistently set at 69 degrees. And I've always said there's nothing worse than a hot/cranky Tim, so comply with this by donning slippers and usually a sweatshirt and blanket.
  • Belly - Baby Miller's growth is right on track and has begun punching and kicking everyday (love it!). At this point, it seems that the general consensus is that it's a boy, but the logic behind this is of course not really grounded in anything.