Tuesday, October 1, 2013

a weekend in the city a.k.a. a babymoon

Happy October! As Tim and I were sitting at the table this morning, he declared that October is probably his favorite month, followed closely by January/February. The boy loves his snow. I'll stick with October, thank you very much, and all it's bright leaves, sweaters, bonfires, apple pies, and (this year) baby prepping.

We spent this past weekend in the city. I guess you could call it our "babymoon", although it was really just like any other weekend, just with a few added extras...

  • seeing The Milk Carton Kids and Over the Rhine at the Cedar Cultural Center. holy cow, so good! if you would like proof, take a listen.
  • staying in a hotel = swimming! I've been wanting to go swimming for awhile now, thinking that it would just feel soooo good for this pregnant body. And it was every bit as awesome as I imagined it would be.
  • walking around the Mall of America early on a Saturday morning to avoid the crowds. Tim said it was his best MOA experience to date.
  • eating at an Asian bistro in Stillwater.
  • exploring the antique shops and boutiques of Stillwater.
  • eating a salted caramel pecan cupcake at Mara Mi, one of my most favorite shops EVER. seriously, I think I could live in there.
We were back at our cozy home by Saturday evening, which made for a quick trip, but also meant that we spent Sunday at church/baking apple crisp/mowing the lawn/generally enjoying each other's company and the beautiful fall day. Perf.

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