Thursday, August 1, 2013

on motherhood + hard work

I have been thinking a lot about motherhood/parenthood lately (big shocker). And while I'm so thankful for this pregnancy for many reasons, one that I've been realizing lately is the fact that I now have first-hand experience in this precious stage of life. It's like I've suddenly been plunged into this whole new network of women that I can now relate to. I have also been learning things like what to not say to a pregnant woman or expectant parents. For example, "You think you're tired now, just wait until you have the'll never have a good night of sleep again" or "You think you're busy now, just wait until you have the'll never go on another date again."

Yes, our lives will drastically change, our routines will be different, and there may be things we won't do as often, but as with any big change, there will come a "new normal." For the planner and routine lover that I am, I know that this will be a challenge to get used to, especially knowing that with a new baby there are hardly ever two days that are ever the same. I am pretty much counting on one or two total meltdowns on my part and a few middle-of-the-night calls to Mom. And I'd be lying if said I wasn't worried about being a good mom and having no clue what I'm doing. But I take comfort in knowing that many mothers before me have gone through these same things...and have not just survived, but call it a blessing.

And I think my friend Teddy Roosevelt might be on to something because I've always felt the most satisfied when working at something that is difficult. And now I have been tasked with one of the greatest challenges of all - growing, birthing, and raising and training up a child. So I'd rather not view it as a chore, a drag, or something that is interrupting my "normal" life, but instead a chance to work (very) hard at work worth doing.


  1. It's the hardest work you'll ever do but completely utterly worth it! Especially when you get those big beautiful smiles and when they get older, the wonderful just melt. *tear
    Kelsey S.

  2. Good way to look at it!
    And you will just appreciate your dates all the more. :) And miss your kids when you finally get to get out!
    Alicia T.
